What is 3D LiDAR and How Does it Improve Safety in Mine Trucks?


Have you heard the buzz in the mining industry lately? The main point is finding innovative ways to keep everyone safe and get the job done faster in mines. The routine movements of trucks and other construction equipment in rugged mining areas throughout the day bring with them risks of accidents such as rollovers, collisions, or skidding. A common question: is there a technology that will ensure the safety of mining sites and enable trucks to operate more efficiently?

Advanced obstacle detection systems are the new solution for mine trucks. This technology, called 3D LiDAR (or three-dimensional Light Detection and Ranging ), creates a three-dimensional map of the environment.

Without further ado, follow us to learn what 3D LiDAR is and how this technology is changing the safety standards of mining trucks.


What is 3D LiDAR?

Picture yourself in a dense fog traveling at night. In most cases, you can see almost nothing. However, with 3D LiDAR technology, you will be able to virtually see all the surroundings. It creates an accurate 3D map of the environment even in these disastrous conditions, enhancing perception and safety.

3D LiDAR emits laser pulses and measures their return time after bouncing off objects. Laser pulses allow LiDAR systems to generate high-resolution point clouds representing the surfaces of objects in the surrounding area.

Development History of 3D LiDAR Technology

3D LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology has experienced significant development over the past few decades. It was initially used for meteorological research and space missions in the 1960s. Benefiting from the improvements in laser technology and computing power, LiDAR application has been expanded into terrain mapping, forestry surveys, and geological research in the 1980s. As commercialization accelerated in the 2000s, it was widely employed in civil engineering, infrastructure inspection, and environmental monitoring. Nowadays, continuous advancements in miniaturization, data processing, and multi-sensor fusion are further driving the development of 3D LiDAR.

3D LiDAR vs. Traditional Radar Systems

How does 3D LiDAR differ from the traditional radar systems you might be familiar with on older cars? Regular radar uses radio waves to bounce off objects and detect their distance and direction. Think of it like a simplified echolocation system. This method, while effective for essential detection, only provides two-dimensional information about an object's location.

3D LiDAR fires rapid pulses of laser light and measures how long each pulse can bounce back. Doing this from multiple angles super-fast builds a detailed 3D point cloud, like a million tiny dots representing everything in its field of view. This 3D point cloud gives us a much richer understanding of the environment than the flat picture we get with radar.

How 3D LiDAR Promotes Safety in Mine Trucks 

With 3D LiDAR technology, the safety and efficiency of operations in mining environments have been greatly improved and enhanced, particularly when integrated into mine trucks. Here’s how this technology contributes to various aspects of mine truck operations:

Obstacle Detection and Collision Avoidance

During the ore transportation process, mining trucks commonly travel in formations. This poses higher demands on perception systems. The 3D LiDAR, with its long-range detection capability, significantly expands the fleet's perception field of view. Outfitted with 3D LiDAR sensors, mining trucks are able to accurately identify irregular obstacles ahead, such as rock slides and falling rocks. By applying brakes or issuing warning signals based on the distance of the obstacle and the speed of the truck, all of which can help prevent collisions, all of which can help prevent collisions.

Self-driving Mining Trucks

Complex geological structures, unstable rock masses, and frequent engineering operations increase the potential risks of landslides and collapses in open-pit mining areas and dumping zones. This dangerous environment exposes human drivers to hazardous conditions. However, a high-resolution LiDAR can combine with the navigation system and assist in achieving self-driving; furthermore, by capturing real-time 3D information of the surrounding environment, 3D LiDAR systems enable self-driving mining trucks to perform fast and accurate safe path planning, ensuring the safety of trucks, minimizing the property damage.

Night and Bad Weather Driving Support 

In mining areas, where visibility is often compromised by sand and dust. Additionally, due to the 24/7 nature of mining operations, favorable weather conditions are not always guaranteed. All of these lead to numerous risks while driving. On the contrary, 3D LiDAR is independent of the time, weather, and light conditions, creating a detailed 3D model of an environment that can be seen clearly in darkness, fog, or rain. This helps ensure that the trucks are never on the road unsafely and within the operator’s reach, offering evident data points that support the decision-making process.


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Why the Benewake’s 3D LiDAR is Your Mine Truck's Safety Champion

At Benewake, our AD2-S-X3 can create a perfect integration into mine trucks, given its exceptional features that significantly increase safety in mining operations.

ü See Farther, React Faster

Our AD2-S-X3 distinguishes itself with a remarkable detection range of over 350 meters. This extensive range capability allows operators to identify potential hazards from a greater distance, offering more time to react and make decisions. In the context of mine operations, where unexpected obstacles can appear suddenly, having this long-range visibility ensures that drivers or autonomous systems can adjust speed or reroute paths well in advance, significantly decreasing the risk of accidents and improving overall safety.

ü Sharp Eyes, Fewer Misses

Precision in obstacle detection is critical, especially for the mining industry, where even small obstacles can cause significant disruptions or dangers. Our Benewake’s AD2-S-X3 boasts an exceptionally high resolution, enabling it to capture the enabling it to capture the small targets of only 20*20 cm at a distance of 60 meters. Meanwhile,  it can detect different types of obstacles with centimeter-level accuracy, accurately measuring the contour information of target objects, such as rocks, equipment, or even personnel near the operational path, supporting precise and reliable decision-making. This high-resolution imaging helps minimize false alarms and missed detection.

ü Broader View, More Control

With FoV 120° * 25.6°, our Benewake’s AD2-S-X3 can offer a wider field of view to cover more ground and provide a broader perspective of the surrounding environment. This capability allows the system to monitor a larger area and track multiple targets simultaneously. For operators, this means enhanced control and improved situational awareness, as they can observe a comprehensive scene of their immediate surroundings. Whether navigating tight corners within a mine or maneuvering around other equipment, operators receive all the necessary visual information to operate safely and efficiently.

ü Always on Duty, Always Reliable

Designed to be robust and versatile, our Benewake’s AD2-S-X3 can work stably in extreme environments, even in dusty mining areas with direct sunlight. It can be operated 24 hours a day, which is crucial for round-the-clock mining operations, ensuring that the LiDAR system remains a reliable safety tool at all times. Its ability to deliver consistent and dependable performance regardless of environmental challenges guarantees that safety is never compromised. The 3D LiDAR scanner and sensor work synergistically to maintain continuous, accurate monitoring, safeguarding both the equipment and the individual involved in the operation.



With years of experience in 3D LiDAR technology, we, Benewake, understand that in the challenging and dynamic mining environment, achieving the highest safety standards and operational efficiency are critical. Therefore, we have created the AD2-S-X3 system, which has become an indispensable LiDAR for mining due to its outstanding performance. Integrating this system into your mine car can significantly improve safety levels, reduce the risk of accidents, and maintain efficient productivity.

Want to know how our 3D LiDAR can transform your mining operation? Check out our official website to find more! Whether it's geological exploration, resource estimation, or mining safety, our 3D LiDAR solutions provide you with state-of-the-art support.

Headquarters:3rd Floor, Haiguo Jiaye Sci-Tech Park, Haidian District, Beijing, China
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