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Railway Monitoring System

Benewake has been deeply involved in the field of railway monitoring system. With its own advantages in 3D LiDAR technology, solutions based on Benewake's high-performance three-dimensional LiDAR have been widely adopted by multiple railway, offering a novel technical approach to railway monitoring system.

Core Advantages



Easy Development and Integrated

No need for labeling or training; saves development time and manpower costs, reducing system development cycle

All-Weather Operational Capability

Operates 24/7, with dirt detection functionality, unafraid of day or night or adverse environmental conditions



Customized Scanning Pattern

With a customized scanning pettern,the LiDAR could generate denser pointcloud and enhance the detection small obstacles even at long distance, which could recognize 20*20cm cartons up to 80m away

Rail Transit Standard Compliance

Compliance with railway standard such as GB/T17626, GB/24338, GB/T25119, GB/T21563, GB/T2423, GB/T4208

Railway Monitoring System

For scenarios such as pedestrian intrusion, animal interference, rockfall, mudslides, and other complex road conditions, the fusion of multiple sensors, including three-dimensional LiDAR and video, has become the most advanced and reliable solution. The railway monitoring system, with Benewake LiDAR as the core sensor, combined with cameras, achieves 24/7 uninterrupted detection of railway track areas. When objects violates, the system can trigger cameras to record video,as well as combine point cloud and video of the foreign objects. This data is then integrated with a unified dispatch platform and the train emergency braking system, forming a closed-loop management system.

Railway Monitoring System Diagram

The railway monitoring system with Benewake LiDAR could conduct a three-dimensional scanning of the protected area, which generates a background point cloud of the area. Based on real-time point clouds from the LiDAR and the background point cloud, differential, segmentation, aggregation, and other algorithmic processes are applied to detect obstacles.

An alarm is triggered when the density of the target point cloud reaches a pre-set threshold. The LiDAR could accurately detects the position, size (length, width, height), and velocity of obstacles. It is immune to any light source interference, and could work in severe weather.

Success Cases

Projects with this LiDAR technology have been implemented in various railways, including Nanning, Harbin Railway, Beijing, Chengdu, and Guangzhou.


Obstacle Detection on Railway


Obstacle Detection on Railway


Obstacle Detection on Railway

Product Recommendation


Headquarters:3rd Floor, Haiguo Jiaye Sci-Tech Park, Haidian District, Beijing, China
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